A closet shelf broke in the basement last month. Crashed with a burst so forceful it knocked the door off its hinges. Coats, board games, blankets, boxes…everywhere.
I looked at the mess. Then I looked at the clock. “I’m too busy,” I thought. “I’ll deal with it later.”
In the list of priorities, this mess falls to the bottom. Pun INTENDED.
March 2020
Now things aren’t so busy.
COVID-19 has shifted the way we work, socialize and play. Businesses: closed. Special events: canceled. Face-to-face communication: virtual.
Minimizing the spread of this ambiguous virus means social distancing is the new reality.
Even the Florida vacation my husband and I had been waiting over a year to take with our toddler is off the books.
The day by day decision – “We’re going!” “We’re not going.” “We’re going!” “We’re not going.” Was a topsy-turvy roller coaster that left us emotionally frayed and ultimately disappointed.
Now what?
Work commutes are paused. Gyms are closed. Happy hour plans are canceled. If you’re homebound, you might be wondering, “What to do with this extra time?”
Instead of picking up the phone and getting lost in a slew of mindless swiping, ask yourself: “What’s something I WANT or NEED to do – but haven’t had TIME to do?”
This is YOUR chance!
This new reality can be lonely and uncomfortable. I feel it too. But, it doesn’t have to be that way forever. Life is what you make of it. There’s still plenty to be enjoyed and accomplished.
It starts with a decision.
Don’t use the phone to surf. Use it to call a loved one.
That dusty guitar in the corner? Pick it up and strum!
Sing, take walks, plant flowers, color, paint, play games, knit, read books, write, run, learn a foreign language, clean, organize – the sky’s the limit.
There’s much to be enjoyed, learn and accomplish if you take an opportunity to embrace it.
The choice is up to you.
A couple days ago, I found a harmonica in my desk. Got it during my days as a television reporter (I have lots of stories from those days – but that’s for a different blog). For fun, I started to play it. My son thought it was great. We danced, laughed – and all of a sudden, life didn’t seem so serious and scary.
We found joy.
It didn’t come with a price tag. And it didn’t require us to go somewhere or plug anything in.
Use extra time to discover your joy. It can be found in the simplest places. When you do, you’ll be amazed at how good you feel.
Maximize the minutes.
Does this mean I’ll be cleaning up my basement closet? Yes. But, it also means the house will look a lot better. I’m happy! More dance parties.
Find your passion. Pursue it. IMAGINE the possibilities.
My harmonica.
Kim Kaufman is an award winning speaker, writer, and storyteller committed to improving leadership, customer service and communication skills. Ranked one of the top 10 best public speakers in the world by Toastmasters International, Kim’s speeches are rooted in humor, heart and professional development. Skilled in media and corporate communications, she’s known for inspiring audiences to achieve their potential through the power of creativity, imagination and forward thinking. For more information or to bring Kim to your next event, visit www.kimpresents.com/book-kim.